Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (UCSF Chapter)

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

APAMSA @ UCSF seeks to be a cornerstone in the conversation about Asian-American identity and physicianship, and what it means to understand and address the needs of both the Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community and all communities of color. As AANHPI health professionals, we challenge and examine the responsibilities we have towards advocating for and promoting the health of our own communities, while also educating ourselves on the role we play in the broader fight against racial injustice. APAMSA seeks to celebrate our diverse cultures while also working in solidarity and building relationships with other POC organizations on campus (SMNA, LMSA, WC4BL) and locally. We aim to build a soulful, loving community that highlights our unique collective experiences, and provide a space to discuss and explore these meaningful topics. The Asian Pacific American Medical Students Association (APAMSA) is a national organization of medical and pre-medical students committed to addressing the unique health challenges of Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) communities. APAMSA serves as a forum for student leaders to engage these health issues and develop initiatives and projects addressing those needs. The local, regional, and national activities of APAMSA aim to promote the health of the APIA community and help healthcare workers understand how to care for APIA patients in a culturally sensitive manner. Finally, APAMSA provides an important venue for medical students to meet, exchange experiences, and develop personally and professionally through leadership and service. APAMSA's foundation was laid in 1993 by Asian American students worried about the present and future of the APIA community. Dr. B Li co- founded the e-mail bulletin board 'AAMSnet' for Asian American medical students in 1994 and co-formed the Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association in 1995. APAMSA was formed because issues of APIA health were largely ignored by existing organizations. Since its initial formation in 1995, APAMSA chapters have formed at schools across the country to improve the health and well-being of the APIA community and promote understanding of the unique challenges Asian Pacific Americans face in medicine.









Members Benefits

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Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.

Our Team

Caleb Hwang Profile

Caleb Hwang

Nelson Lin Profile

Nelson Lin

Katherine Chua Profile

Katherine Chua

Tiffany Chen Profile

Tiffany Chen

Daniel Chan Profile

Daniel Chan

Rachel Huynh Profile

Rachel Huynh

Kaitlyn Hsu Profile

Kaitlyn Hsu

Allison Chang Profile

Allison Chang

Anuroop Nirula Profile

Anuroop Nirula

Kristen Enriquez Profile

Kristen Enriquez

Tiffany Husman Profile

Tiffany Husman

Elaine Kim Profile

Elaine Kim

Maria Lee Profile

Maria Lee

Emilee Manske Profile

Emilee Manske



Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (UCSF Chapter)

500 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco California 94143
United States