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Another Dogpatch meetup!

The first meetup was so successful, we couldn't wait to do another. Let's get through the DOG(patch) DAYS of winter together!
5:30pm Dec 2nd 2022
Meet at Dogpatch Boulders then we'll head to a local bar (tbd) around 8
Touchstone members can bring a non-member buddy for FREE, so bring your climbing-curious friends!

We made a slack!

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Dogpatch meetup!

Come get to know us and be a part of the United Climbing Stoke Fest happening Nov 2nd, 2022. We meet at Dogpatch Boulders near Mission Bay campus and climb 5pm-8pm, then migrate over to the Dogpatch Saloon at 8pm to get to know eachother a little better. Whether you're just curious about climbing, or you've been at it for years, let's grow out community of stoked climbers together!