Student Group: School of Pharmacy - Academic & Professional
Website Mission
Contact: Email group officers
Mission The National Community Pharmacists Association, founded in 1898 as the National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD), represents the pharmacist owners, managers, and employees of more than 23,000 independent community pharmacies across the United States. The nation's independent pharmacies, independent pharmacy franchises, and independent chains dispense nearly half of the nation's retail prescription medicines.The nation's independent pharmacists are small business entrepreneurs and multifaceted health care providers who represent a vital part of the United States' health care delivery system. They have roots in America's communities. They are community leaders actively involved in community-oriented public health, civic, and volunteer projects. Many hold local elected offices; others serve as state legislators.Here at UCSF, NCPA strives to provide professional development to our students. Our events and elective are designed to expose students to entrepreneurship and business skills. Students from all schools are welcome.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership