
Why Join?

  • Receive priority registration to all CPNP events at UCSF.
  • Explore the realm of psychiatric and neurologic pharmacy through shadowing and panel events.
  • Behavioral and central nervous system disorders affect almost every field of pharmacy.
  • The size of the CPNP Annual Meeting is smaller than other organizations, which allows for greater networking opportunities.
  • Make lifelong friendships!


To become a fully registered member, you must complete the local and national membership requirements:

Local Membership ($10)

  • Submit your $10 local membership fee via Venmo (@ashley-takeshita) or with cash to our Treasurer, Ashley Takeshita.

National Membership ($35)

  • Create an account on the CPNP National Website.
  • Under the "Member Center" section, select "Join or Renew."
  • Scroll down and click on "$35" next to to Student Membership. Click on the cart to check out.

Group Portal